Sep 26, 2012

God eternally wins no matter what

Lately I have been meditating about the fact that life is a competition, about the fact that human society is constantly attemptimg to diagnose itself and about the fact that these particular diagnosis´s are incredibly far from measuring our true worth as life forms. How does one determine the true worth of a life form? As far as I can understand it all depends on the life form´s level of faith, psychological health, physical health and spiritual health none of which are completely or accurately measurable yet by modern science and modern spirituality. It is important to keep in mind that these particular variables can all be included within the word health. So the healthier life forms are clearly the winners in the competition of the Creation. So if we had a real time Health in Time chart we would clearly tell the winners from the losers apart. Right? But what about these four particular arguments that we can present to God when he judges us? 1. Why didn´t you save your Creation before you created it? Wouldn´t that have been perfectly efficient? 2. Why did you create Lucifer knowing the future and the damage that you would cause by doing this? 3. You eternally ruled, rule and will rule 100% of God. 4. How was I supposed to know and understand that? I strongly believe that these particular arguments create an infinite amount of spiritual wealth for all life forms. This means that if any "spiritual debts" are created by life, God is eternally responsable for paying all of these "spiritual debts". And this fact turn us all into winners within the eternal competition of life no matter what. So never worry about anything ever again. Only by understanding what is written above can you ever find eternal and infinite spiritual peace within your mind, body and soul. God´s mind, body and soul is made out of gold. God eternally wins no matter what.

Written by Nonexistent God

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