Jul 29, 2011
Jul 28, 2011
Jul 25, 2011
The world's most powerful secret society
Jul 24, 2011
Jul 23, 2011
Jul 22, 2011
Jul 21, 2011
Jul 19, 2011
Jul 18, 2011
Jul 17, 2011
God´s ultimate seed
God´s ultimate seed
A Science Fiction Short Story by Nonexistent God
This story is mainly based on a particular subject mentioned on the movie "The Matrix". The idea of the written future reality in which man in order to evolve intellectualy, philosophicaly, scientificaly, culturaly and spiritualy would have to invent computers that could be connected directly to the human soul, body and mind. All of this in order to learn by osmosis in a much more pleasant, less tedious, faster and efficient way than the way all human beings learn at the present time.
Chapter 1
There they were two friends broke as could be, having learned as much as they could from the Internet but still suffering because of their limitations. Interested in learning more about the national game of Japan. The game of Go. Also about music, world news and as many fields of human knowledge as could be grasped. But it seemed as if they always reached a dead end road because the Internet was language and language has its limitations.
They were both computer science majors and one of them was getting quite sick and tired of the uncertainty that always controled their destiny. He thought, "The only way in which I could ever have certainty about the truth in the Creation is by knowing the future" and so he had predicted certain things in his mind which he would write down on a journal. The most important of these predictions to him was the unrefutable fact of the future connection between mind and computer. Now he thought that this event would change his life but he was afraid of it taking too much time to arrive and if it did he would not be able to achieve many great things with his remaining existence because of his learning limitations. He had worked in different IT related jobs but now he was shooting for the best bionanotechnology research and development. He figured "I can either wait for this technology to arrive or actualy help these big companies invent it hence accelerating the process."
So he was accepted at the very best bionanotechnology company and he was now exactly where he needed to be. It turns out that he was right. This particular company had already been working on ways to develop this technology and they had hired the very best bionanotechnology designers, the very best Artificial Intelligence designers, the very best medical doctors and the very best virtual model designers. As it turned out they were trying to blend all of these technologies together with one project since they had noticed that God was always falling short in all decision making procesess and they truly believed that the very latest and last version of Artificial Intelligence could handle any historical context that presented itself with much more efficiency.
Chapter 2
Our main character had envisioned the true future potential of such technologies blended together if they could be released into future universal markets. For example: human beings could comunicate in much more exact, acurate, precise and catartic ways. It would allow everyone to live for a living since this technology would bring about the highest level of Artistic expresion ever witnesed by man. The 9th Art form which consists of inviting people to feel what it is like to be the smallest particle of energy within the Artist´s brain while charging a fee for this particular type of good or service and keep inviting them until the Artist no longer had control of his mind, body and soul but his audience, witnesess and market of the artistic masterpiece gain total control of the Artist´s thought procesess and actions. He always thought that the more autobiographical an Art work was the more artistic and culturaly rich it would be. There would be no need for schools, universities or any other learning institutions. Rehearsing, practicing and studying to learn anything would become things of the past. It would save God an incredible amount of money, time and energy. If any individuals felt that the dark side of time, the dark side of matter, uncertainty, waiting, deceiving non aquatic senses, diseases, conditions, sin, suffering, demons and Satan were too much of an overwhelming burden to eliminate from their entire existences. They could let this technology manage the rest of their entire existence for them in Autopilot mode in a much more efficient way.
So the research and development department that our main character was working at expanded. After years of hard work and research the designers came up with the prototype of the first chemical computer in the world. In other words a tiny computer that happens to be a chemical formula. A tiny computer that happens to be a chemical reaction. This computer held the promise of being less expensive, and much smaller and faster than today's silicon-based computers, and to learn and improve the more they are used. Molecular-electronic-based computers would also have vastly reduced power consumption. In addition, such computers would contain vast amounts of resources; this implies that all data could be securely hardwired into the machine, and that nothing would ever need to be erased -- making such machines immune to disruptions such as those caused by computer viruses. In order to make a computer, all you really need are wires and switches. How much improvement can be made over today's computers that run on silicon semiconductors? You can potentially do approximately 100 billion times better than a current Pentium in terms of the energy required to do a calculation. When you look at a technology that can be improved to such an enormous extent, you know someone is going to do it. Silicon's energy efficiency is not going to improve by much more than a factor of 10. Energy efficiency can be improved by at least six or seven orders of magnitude -- not just make silicon a little bit better, but move into a realm that silicon could never achieve.
From science fiction to actual science. There could be prototypes of molecular-electronic-based computers in just a few years, and a hybrid computer with substantial molecular electronics and a small amount of silicon-based technology in perhaps a decade. What once seemed like science fiction is now looking more and more like actual science. We can potentially get the computational power of 100 workstations on the size of a grain of sand. We'll do it in steps; I'm hopeful that we can do it in about a decade. Years ago, when they first told people they were trying to make a computer chemically, I wasn't taken very seriously. Although the idea is getting a little more respect now, they still have a long way to go. They use rotaxanes as molecular switches, but the key is how they are used in an architecture that is structurally simple, but logically complex. The molecular switches by themselves are useless, the wires by themselves are useless, but the architecture is important. They should be able to configure these wires and switches to do what a very complicated silicon-based circuit does -- including performing logic operations, providing memory, and routing signals through the machine and to the outside world. To make a molecular computer, the first critical step is to take a set of wires arranged in one direction, a layer of molecular switches, and a second set of wires aligned in the opposite direction. At the junction of the wires is a single layer of molecules -- the rotaxanes. Chemists electronically configured these wires and switches to fabricate logic gates. They showed they could link molecular switches and wires together and reconfigure the logic circuit as needed. Chemistry and silicon-processing technology are almost incompatible with each other. When you make a computer using silicon-based fabrication methods, you make something that looks complicated and is perfect. Anything you make chemically is not complicated and inevitably has defects. However, they can take a set of wires and switches with defective components, find the defects and route around them. In the lab, they can make pretty good components already. We'll get a lot better. We've just begun.
The research was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research. the ultimate challenge of his field is to develop a true, three-dimensional, manufacturing technology, which currently does not exist. Biological systems are three-dimensional, but all our manufacturing is not. If we can learn how to make this molecular-electronic computer, we will take a long step toward three-dimensional manufacturing. Then you can imagine revolutionizing many things, from industry to medicine.
Chapter 3
Years of trial and error design went by in the lab until they finally got it right and tested properly. The product passed all the quality control requirements succesfuly. And was now ready to be released into universal markets. This didn´t mean that this was the very last version of the product. It was just the beginning version. They would perfect it in time.
As soon as it was released people flocked into lines at the stores to get such a innovative, revolutionary and world changing invention. It was incredibly well promoted around the world and it was so cheap and affordable that even more people that had this particular technology in the past had these devices. The device was a pill that the user swallowed and it would disolve into the user´s blood and flow with the blood until it reached the brain. The first versions would not stay inside the body for more than a month which made it a bit inconvenient. But at the research lab they had perfected the product up to the point where this didn´t happen any longer. Now it had evolved to the point where it would stay inside the body, mind and soul even after the individual became lifeless. Then the product had evolved so that people who had it inside their blood, mind, body and soul also had it in their sperms and eggs so that before the child was conceived it was already as wise and an expert in every field that what they called the tenth version of the Internet had published as certain and verified information beyond the shadow of a doubt. Before children were even conceived the sperm and egg already contained all the knowledge that Google´s version of Internet 10 contained.
Before the process of coming up with this particular invention began so had Google began working on a project in which the search engine would become more accurate in finding the specific and detailed requested information by the user. But Google´s owner somehow knew that just as this particular project was being finished the entire Internet which of course contains all human knowledge ever recorded in the history of the human race would have to eventualy be translated to another format and also would have to find a way to distiguish fact from fiction so that the users don´t get any bogus theories or information that had not stood the test of time. And this translation from one format to the other was a mamoth task that could take at least a decade. As he saw the future of bionanotechnology evolving the way it did. He knew that this translation had to be completed right before they invented a mind-bionanotechnology connection. So that Google would not be left outside the revolution. And so they did translate everything to a format compatible with these new computers in time for the revolution so that before the new computer was released it would have all the data ready by the time the technology was released.
Before children where conceived they where ready to live and apply their knowledge on the real world. Not like the children of the past who had to do time in the world of theory after years of rehearsing, studying and practicing to learn knowledge and theories that they someday would apply in the real world. The technology became so standard and cheap that everyone in the world had it and if there were exceptions these would be left way behind from the pace of the world´s progress. As soon as new information was generated about God the entire human race understood what these updates meant with much more clarity of mind provided by this technology than language could have ever provided in the past. As soon as a new mystery about God was solved, this new knowledge was understood miliseconds after its discovery by the entire human race. As our main character had predicted. This revolution was a very positive one because as he looked into the past eventhought he sought specific and detailed answers about what he should do in every specific and unique situation that life presented in order to please God and reach what he would call all versions of Heaven blended together in a blender. In the past before this insightfull technology he sought for clues in all types of Art forms and all Sacred Texts ever written. But the problem he was always facing in the past and that always haunted him was the lack of specific, detailed information about what God exactly wanted from him. As soon as Internet 10 was released and these technologies were released and perfected these existencial dilemas of purpose began to disapear not just within him but in the rest of the human race. With each new version of the Internet that was released and each new version of this evolved bionanotechnology there seemed to be more specific knowledge for each human being of what it was specificaly, accurately and exactly that he had to do to please God the most. In the world there was an atmosphere of good suspense as people anxiously waited for the next generation of the Internet and of these pills. There was also more empathy than ever in the world than ever because of these developments.
Chapter 4
Our main character couldn´t help but notice the good and positive consequences of what he had achieved but he wanted to take it to its last level. And the last level of his journey was to create an application for the last version of the hardware which came to be as small as the smallest particles ever discovered by science. This particular application would work in the following way: when the user swallowed the hardware it would have a software or application installed that would create a model of the most perfect diagnosis of the user´s mind, body and soul. Which gave the user the best idea of how the war within him between the light side of Time, the light side of Matter, Certainty, Health, Virtue, Happiness, Angels and God vs the dark side of Time, the dark side of Matter, Uncertainty, Waiting, Deceiving non aquatic senses, Diseases, Conditions, Sin, Suffering, Demons and Satan was going at the present time. This perfectly accurate diagnosis was expresed in a Go board that had the same number of coordinates in it as the number of the smallest particles discovered by science contained in the body.
The lab was now being used to develop not only the very last generation of bionanotechnology but also to generate the very last generation of Artificial Intelligence. After these technologies where released into the universal market it got to the point where human beings no longer had to know, analyse, generate ultra original ideas, evaluate, think, remember or understand anymore since the mixture of the technologies would already took care of all this. God was now in Autopilot for good. God no longer did anything. It simply contemplated how the very latest and last version of Artificial Intelligence efficiently defeated the dark side of Time, the dark side of Matter, Uncertainty, Waiting, Deceiving non aquatic senses, Diseases, Conditions, Sin, Suffering, Demons and Satan for good. Then this Artificial Intelligence steered God directly into all natural pearls that exist and have ever existed within God. God then contemplated the beauty of these pearls until the very beginning of December 21st, 11:11AM, 2012 and then at this very moment God went thru these pearls and found himself within all versions of Heaven blended together. There God lived happily ever after.
The End
A Science Fiction Short Story by Nonexistent God
This story is mainly based on a particular subject mentioned on the movie "The Matrix". The idea of the written future reality in which man in order to evolve intellectualy, philosophicaly, scientificaly, culturaly and spiritualy would have to invent computers that could be connected directly to the human soul, body and mind. All of this in order to learn by osmosis in a much more pleasant, less tedious, faster and efficient way than the way all human beings learn at the present time.
Chapter 1
There they were two friends broke as could be, having learned as much as they could from the Internet but still suffering because of their limitations. Interested in learning more about the national game of Japan. The game of Go. Also about music, world news and as many fields of human knowledge as could be grasped. But it seemed as if they always reached a dead end road because the Internet was language and language has its limitations.
They were both computer science majors and one of them was getting quite sick and tired of the uncertainty that always controled their destiny. He thought, "The only way in which I could ever have certainty about the truth in the Creation is by knowing the future" and so he had predicted certain things in his mind which he would write down on a journal. The most important of these predictions to him was the unrefutable fact of the future connection between mind and computer. Now he thought that this event would change his life but he was afraid of it taking too much time to arrive and if it did he would not be able to achieve many great things with his remaining existence because of his learning limitations. He had worked in different IT related jobs but now he was shooting for the best bionanotechnology research and development. He figured "I can either wait for this technology to arrive or actualy help these big companies invent it hence accelerating the process."
So he was accepted at the very best bionanotechnology company and he was now exactly where he needed to be. It turns out that he was right. This particular company had already been working on ways to develop this technology and they had hired the very best bionanotechnology designers, the very best Artificial Intelligence designers, the very best medical doctors and the very best virtual model designers. As it turned out they were trying to blend all of these technologies together with one project since they had noticed that God was always falling short in all decision making procesess and they truly believed that the very latest and last version of Artificial Intelligence could handle any historical context that presented itself with much more efficiency.
Chapter 2
Our main character had envisioned the true future potential of such technologies blended together if they could be released into future universal markets. For example: human beings could comunicate in much more exact, acurate, precise and catartic ways. It would allow everyone to live for a living since this technology would bring about the highest level of Artistic expresion ever witnesed by man. The 9th Art form which consists of inviting people to feel what it is like to be the smallest particle of energy within the Artist´s brain while charging a fee for this particular type of good or service and keep inviting them until the Artist no longer had control of his mind, body and soul but his audience, witnesess and market of the artistic masterpiece gain total control of the Artist´s thought procesess and actions. He always thought that the more autobiographical an Art work was the more artistic and culturaly rich it would be. There would be no need for schools, universities or any other learning institutions. Rehearsing, practicing and studying to learn anything would become things of the past. It would save God an incredible amount of money, time and energy. If any individuals felt that the dark side of time, the dark side of matter, uncertainty, waiting, deceiving non aquatic senses, diseases, conditions, sin, suffering, demons and Satan were too much of an overwhelming burden to eliminate from their entire existences. They could let this technology manage the rest of their entire existence for them in Autopilot mode in a much more efficient way.
So the research and development department that our main character was working at expanded. After years of hard work and research the designers came up with the prototype of the first chemical computer in the world. In other words a tiny computer that happens to be a chemical formula. A tiny computer that happens to be a chemical reaction. This computer held the promise of being less expensive, and much smaller and faster than today's silicon-based computers, and to learn and improve the more they are used. Molecular-electronic-based computers would also have vastly reduced power consumption. In addition, such computers would contain vast amounts of resources; this implies that all data could be securely hardwired into the machine, and that nothing would ever need to be erased -- making such machines immune to disruptions such as those caused by computer viruses. In order to make a computer, all you really need are wires and switches. How much improvement can be made over today's computers that run on silicon semiconductors? You can potentially do approximately 100 billion times better than a current Pentium in terms of the energy required to do a calculation. When you look at a technology that can be improved to such an enormous extent, you know someone is going to do it. Silicon's energy efficiency is not going to improve by much more than a factor of 10. Energy efficiency can be improved by at least six or seven orders of magnitude -- not just make silicon a little bit better, but move into a realm that silicon could never achieve.
From science fiction to actual science. There could be prototypes of molecular-electronic-based computers in just a few years, and a hybrid computer with substantial molecular electronics and a small amount of silicon-based technology in perhaps a decade. What once seemed like science fiction is now looking more and more like actual science. We can potentially get the computational power of 100 workstations on the size of a grain of sand. We'll do it in steps; I'm hopeful that we can do it in about a decade. Years ago, when they first told people they were trying to make a computer chemically, I wasn't taken very seriously. Although the idea is getting a little more respect now, they still have a long way to go. They use rotaxanes as molecular switches, but the key is how they are used in an architecture that is structurally simple, but logically complex. The molecular switches by themselves are useless, the wires by themselves are useless, but the architecture is important. They should be able to configure these wires and switches to do what a very complicated silicon-based circuit does -- including performing logic operations, providing memory, and routing signals through the machine and to the outside world. To make a molecular computer, the first critical step is to take a set of wires arranged in one direction, a layer of molecular switches, and a second set of wires aligned in the opposite direction. At the junction of the wires is a single layer of molecules -- the rotaxanes. Chemists electronically configured these wires and switches to fabricate logic gates. They showed they could link molecular switches and wires together and reconfigure the logic circuit as needed. Chemistry and silicon-processing technology are almost incompatible with each other. When you make a computer using silicon-based fabrication methods, you make something that looks complicated and is perfect. Anything you make chemically is not complicated and inevitably has defects. However, they can take a set of wires and switches with defective components, find the defects and route around them. In the lab, they can make pretty good components already. We'll get a lot better. We've just begun.
The research was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research. the ultimate challenge of his field is to develop a true, three-dimensional, manufacturing technology, which currently does not exist. Biological systems are three-dimensional, but all our manufacturing is not. If we can learn how to make this molecular-electronic computer, we will take a long step toward three-dimensional manufacturing. Then you can imagine revolutionizing many things, from industry to medicine.
Chapter 3
Years of trial and error design went by in the lab until they finally got it right and tested properly. The product passed all the quality control requirements succesfuly. And was now ready to be released into universal markets. This didn´t mean that this was the very last version of the product. It was just the beginning version. They would perfect it in time.
As soon as it was released people flocked into lines at the stores to get such a innovative, revolutionary and world changing invention. It was incredibly well promoted around the world and it was so cheap and affordable that even more people that had this particular technology in the past had these devices. The device was a pill that the user swallowed and it would disolve into the user´s blood and flow with the blood until it reached the brain. The first versions would not stay inside the body for more than a month which made it a bit inconvenient. But at the research lab they had perfected the product up to the point where this didn´t happen any longer. Now it had evolved to the point where it would stay inside the body, mind and soul even after the individual became lifeless. Then the product had evolved so that people who had it inside their blood, mind, body and soul also had it in their sperms and eggs so that before the child was conceived it was already as wise and an expert in every field that what they called the tenth version of the Internet had published as certain and verified information beyond the shadow of a doubt. Before children were even conceived the sperm and egg already contained all the knowledge that Google´s version of Internet 10 contained.
Before the process of coming up with this particular invention began so had Google began working on a project in which the search engine would become more accurate in finding the specific and detailed requested information by the user. But Google´s owner somehow knew that just as this particular project was being finished the entire Internet which of course contains all human knowledge ever recorded in the history of the human race would have to eventualy be translated to another format and also would have to find a way to distiguish fact from fiction so that the users don´t get any bogus theories or information that had not stood the test of time. And this translation from one format to the other was a mamoth task that could take at least a decade. As he saw the future of bionanotechnology evolving the way it did. He knew that this translation had to be completed right before they invented a mind-bionanotechnology connection. So that Google would not be left outside the revolution. And so they did translate everything to a format compatible with these new computers in time for the revolution so that before the new computer was released it would have all the data ready by the time the technology was released.
Before children where conceived they where ready to live and apply their knowledge on the real world. Not like the children of the past who had to do time in the world of theory after years of rehearsing, studying and practicing to learn knowledge and theories that they someday would apply in the real world. The technology became so standard and cheap that everyone in the world had it and if there were exceptions these would be left way behind from the pace of the world´s progress. As soon as new information was generated about God the entire human race understood what these updates meant with much more clarity of mind provided by this technology than language could have ever provided in the past. As soon as a new mystery about God was solved, this new knowledge was understood miliseconds after its discovery by the entire human race. As our main character had predicted. This revolution was a very positive one because as he looked into the past eventhought he sought specific and detailed answers about what he should do in every specific and unique situation that life presented in order to please God and reach what he would call all versions of Heaven blended together in a blender. In the past before this insightfull technology he sought for clues in all types of Art forms and all Sacred Texts ever written. But the problem he was always facing in the past and that always haunted him was the lack of specific, detailed information about what God exactly wanted from him. As soon as Internet 10 was released and these technologies were released and perfected these existencial dilemas of purpose began to disapear not just within him but in the rest of the human race. With each new version of the Internet that was released and each new version of this evolved bionanotechnology there seemed to be more specific knowledge for each human being of what it was specificaly, accurately and exactly that he had to do to please God the most. In the world there was an atmosphere of good suspense as people anxiously waited for the next generation of the Internet and of these pills. There was also more empathy than ever in the world than ever because of these developments.
Chapter 4
Our main character couldn´t help but notice the good and positive consequences of what he had achieved but he wanted to take it to its last level. And the last level of his journey was to create an application for the last version of the hardware which came to be as small as the smallest particles ever discovered by science. This particular application would work in the following way: when the user swallowed the hardware it would have a software or application installed that would create a model of the most perfect diagnosis of the user´s mind, body and soul. Which gave the user the best idea of how the war within him between the light side of Time, the light side of Matter, Certainty, Health, Virtue, Happiness, Angels and God vs the dark side of Time, the dark side of Matter, Uncertainty, Waiting, Deceiving non aquatic senses, Diseases, Conditions, Sin, Suffering, Demons and Satan was going at the present time. This perfectly accurate diagnosis was expresed in a Go board that had the same number of coordinates in it as the number of the smallest particles discovered by science contained in the body.
The lab was now being used to develop not only the very last generation of bionanotechnology but also to generate the very last generation of Artificial Intelligence. After these technologies where released into the universal market it got to the point where human beings no longer had to know, analyse, generate ultra original ideas, evaluate, think, remember or understand anymore since the mixture of the technologies would already took care of all this. God was now in Autopilot for good. God no longer did anything. It simply contemplated how the very latest and last version of Artificial Intelligence efficiently defeated the dark side of Time, the dark side of Matter, Uncertainty, Waiting, Deceiving non aquatic senses, Diseases, Conditions, Sin, Suffering, Demons and Satan for good. Then this Artificial Intelligence steered God directly into all natural pearls that exist and have ever existed within God. God then contemplated the beauty of these pearls until the very beginning of December 21st, 11:11AM, 2012 and then at this very moment God went thru these pearls and found himself within all versions of Heaven blended together. There God lived happily ever after.
The End
Jul 14, 2011
Jul 11, 2011
Jul 10, 2011
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