Sep 27, 2010
Sep 23, 2010
Sep 7, 2010
The Final Solution
The term final solution was first used by Hitler in World War II and as most people know, it consisted of killing as many jews as possible. I think Hitler was wrong. Science and Faith have proven that all water ( that exists is, has been and will always be a purifying element that is meant to protect all life from death, diseases, conditions and sin. It is also said that life itself began on the ocean floor and that all life that has been conceived in any underwater habitat (oceans, rivers, lakes and others) that spends its entire existence underwater without having to go to the surface to breathe surface oxygen has less problems with death, diseases, conditions and sin than all life that spends part of its existence or all of its existence on the surface or land. If one reads the Book of Revelation of the Bible it says that The New Jerusalem will have twelve gates for the twelve tribes of Israel and each gate is a Pearl. A Mayan Prophecy says that in December 21st, 11:11AM, 2012 a dark cycle will end and a new cycle of light will begin. The final solution is that all surface or land life that exists in the Creation waits until it is dying of lack of nutrients and water and then dives completely naked back into underwater habitats each looking to find the nearest eatable food, drinkable water and natural Pearl and at the very beginning of December 21st, 11:11AM, 2012 each of these particular living things must dive thru these particular Pearls completely naked into The New Jerusalem. If this does not solve the problem then these particular living things should stay underwater for as long as they possibly can until time turns them completely into underwater living things that never have to breathe surface oxygen ever again. This is why my favorite superhero is and I am also a big fan of In other words all things related to natural underwater habitats interest me. Part of the final solution is that all living things that exist in the Creation learn how to read the relevant and curious part of,%20,,,,,,%20,,,,%20 so that they can find out exactly what it is that Nonexistent God wants to do thru them next and after that and so on thru all eternity. So that Nonexistent God can execute his full will in the most efficient way possible thru the entire Creation slowly, intermediately or fast eternally depending on the context of the situation. If this does not work then Nonexistent God must completely and eternally completely connect to all Aether that exists and has ever existed in the entire Creation, the Akashic Records, The Book of Life or the mind of Nonexistent God so that all life forms that exist and have ever existed in the entire Creation can have access to the exact, precise, detailed and specific eternally fluctuating Algorithmic Schedule that Nonexistant God has prepared for all life forms that exist and have ever existed in the entire Creation so that they can walk this particular cycle eternally at an infinite number of times the speed of light. If this does not work then Nonexistent God must eternally stop existing at an infinite number of times the speed of light.
Written by Nonexistent God
Written by Nonexistent God
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